Monday 22 June 2009

Death, thou hast lost thy sting

In the strange and wonderful world of PoMo critique we find that even death has lost its sting. The Times Higher Education Supplement tells us, in an account of the fabulous world of Facebook:
 Facebook initiates unintended consequences or messages. Introducing innovations that disembody interpersonal dynamics, it is changing the public attitude not only towards death and mourning, but also towards friendship and interaction. The stark immediacy of the form affects our very processes of thought and imposes different ways of seeing, of understanding and of being in the world. Facebook is a medium whose very characteristics distort relationships by creating an environment and a conversation that is as elusive, transient and disembodied as death itself.
So. Death is transient, elusive, and disembodied. There's some news that we're going to have to get our collective heads round! 

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